Small Groups

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget pellentesque metus. Sed tempor velit ante, et malesuada lorem venenatis sed. Donec lacinia lacus sit amet pharetra vehicula. Nam accumsan malesuada fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vulputate semper tellus ac faucibus. N

Group Finder

Alisha Marble’s Group
IL Campus
Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Request Info
ASU Student Group
Morton Office
Saturday at 1:00 PM
Request Info
BloNo Office
Request Info
Decker Group
BloNo Office
Monday at 7:00 PM
Request Info
Gilbert Group
IL Campus
Tuesday at 8:00 PM
Request Info
Greggs Group
BloNo Office
Monday at 8:00 PM
Request Info
Marble Group
Morton Office
Tuesday at 6:00 PM
Request Info
Peoria Campus
Request Info
Pete's Group
Tremont Office
Monday at 8:00 PM
Request Info
The Naw
IL Campus
Request Info

Lava Debug Info

Below is a listing of available merge fields for this block. Find out more on Lava at

Fences properties can be accessed by {{ Fences.[PropertyKey] }}.

Groups properties can be accessed by {% for group in Groups %}{{ group.[PropertyKey] }}{% endfor %}.

  • [0]
    • IsSystem - False
    • ParentGroupId - 39
    • GroupTypeId - 25
    • CampusId - 2
    • ScheduleId - 20
    • Name - Alisha Marble’s Group
    • Description - Small group topics involve studying the women...
    • IsSecurityRole - False
    • ElevatedSecurityLevel - None
    • IsActive - True
    • Order - 0
    • AllowGuests -
    • IsPublic - True
    • GroupCapacity -
    • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
    • InactiveDateTime -
    • IsArchived - False
    • ArchivedDateTime -
    • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
    • StatusValueId -
    • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements - False
    • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn - ScheduleNotRequired
    • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
    • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
    • InactiveReasonValueId -
    • InactiveReasonNote -
    • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
    • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
    • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess - False
    • DisableScheduling - False
    • GroupSalutation -
    • GroupSalutationFull -
    • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
    • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
    • ReminderOffsetDays -
    • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
    • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
    • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
    • ParentGroup
      • IsSystem - False
      • ParentGroupId -
      • GroupTypeId - 24
      • CampusId -
      • ScheduleId -
      • Name - Section A
      • Description - A placeholder section to demonstrate...
      • IsSecurityRole - False
      • ElevatedSecurityLevel - None
      • IsActive - True
      • Order - 0
      • AllowGuests -
      • IsPublic - True
      • GroupCapacity -
      • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
      • InactiveDateTime -
      • IsArchived - False
      • ArchivedDateTime -
      • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
      • StatusValueId -
      • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements - False
      • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn - ScheduleNotRequired
      • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
      • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
      • InactiveReasonValueId -
      • InactiveReasonNote -
      • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
      • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess - False
      • DisableScheduling - False
      • GroupSalutation -
      • GroupSalutationFull -
      • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
      • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • ReminderOffsetDays -
      • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
      • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
      • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
      • ParentGroup -
      • GroupType
        • IsSystem - False
        • Name - Small Group Section
        • Description - Holds a hierarchy of small groups for a...
        • GroupTerm - Group
        • GroupMemberTerm - Member
        • DefaultGroupRoleId - 22
        • AllowMultipleLocations - False
        • ShowInGroupList - True
        • ShowInNavigation - True
        • IconCssClass - fa fa-sitemap
        • TakesAttendance - False
        • AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService - False
        • SendAttendanceReminder - False
        • ShowConnectionStatus - False
        • ShowMaritalStatus - False
        • AttendanceRule - None
        • GroupCapacityRule - None
        • AttendancePrintTo - Default
        • Order - 0
        • InheritedGroupTypeId -
        • AllowedScheduleTypes - None
        • LocationSelectionMode - None
        • EnableLocationSchedules -
        • GroupTypePurposeValueId -
        • IgnorePersonInactivated - False
        • IsIndexEnabled - False
        • GroupsRequireCampus - False
        • GroupAttendanceRequiresLocation - False
        • GroupAttendanceRequiresSchedule - False
        • GroupViewLavaTemplate - {% if Group.GroupType.GroupCapacityRule !=...
        • AllowSpecificGroupMemberAttributes - False
        • EnableSpecificGroupRequirements - False
        • AllowGroupSync - False
        • AllowSpecificGroupMemberWorkflows - False
        • EnableGroupHistory - False
        • EnableGroupTag - False
        • GroupTypeColor -
        • GroupStatusDefinedTypeId -
        • EnableRSVP - False
        • EnableInactiveReason - False
        • RequiresInactiveReason - False
        • AllowAnyChildGroupType - False
        • IsCapacityRequired - False
        • ScheduleConfirmationLogic - Ask
        • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • AttendanceReminderSendStartOffsetMinutes -
        • AttendanceReminderFollowupDays -
        • IsSchedulingEnabled - False
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunicationId - 30
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmailId - 30
        • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunicationId - 32
        • ScheduleReminderSystemEmailId - 32
        • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
        • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowTypeId -
        • ScheduleConfirmationEmailOffsetDays - 4
        • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays - 2
        • RequiresReasonIfDeclineSchedule - False
        • AdministratorTerm - Administrator
        • ShowAdministrator - False
        • Groups {
          • [0] -
          • [1] -
        • Roles {
          • [0] -
        • LocationTypes {
        • DefaultGroupRole
          • IsSystem -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • Order -
          • MaxCount -
          • MinCount -
          • IsLeader -
          • ReceiveRequirementsNotifications -
          • CanView -
          • CanEdit -
          • CanManageMembers -
          • GroupType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • GroupTypePurposeValue -
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmail
          • IsSystem -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleReminderSystemEmail
          • IsSystem -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunication
          • IsSystem -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • CssInliningEnabled -
          • SMSMessage -
          • SMSFromDefinedValueId -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumberId -
          • LavaFieldsJson -
          • PushTitle -
          • PushMessage -
          • PushSound -
          • PushImageBinaryFileId -
          • PushOpenAction -
          • PushOpenMessage -
          • PushData -
          • Category -
          • SMSFromDefinedValue -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumber -
          • LavaFields -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunication
          • IsSystem -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • CssInliningEnabled -
          • SMSMessage -
          • SMSFromDefinedValueId -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumberId -
          • LavaFieldsJson -
          • PushTitle -
          • PushMessage -
          • PushSound -
          • PushImageBinaryFileId -
          • PushOpenAction -
          • PushOpenMessage -
          • PushData -
          • Category -
          • SMSFromDefinedValue -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumber -
          • LavaFields -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowType -
        • GroupCount - 2
        • InheritedGroupType -
        • GroupRequirements {
        • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunication -
        • CreatedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:23:50 PM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:42:59 PM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
        • CreatedByPersonId -
        • CreatedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedByPersonId -
        • ModifiedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 24
        • IdKey - dZKN1gxGbp
        • Guid - fab75ec6-0402-456a-be34-252097de4f20
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 91
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupType
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAADWrX9UQn1EhP15XLzZJZURHM7w5GA3DUO3YAyDeHSQ...
        • EntityStringValue - Small Group Section
      • Campus -
      • Schedule -
      • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
      • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
      • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
      • Groups {
        • [0]
          • IsSystem -
          • ParentGroupId -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • CampusId -
          • ScheduleId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • IsSecurityRole -
          • ElevatedSecurityLevel -
          • IsActive -
          • Order -
          • AllowGuests -
          • IsPublic -
          • GroupCapacity -
          • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
          • InactiveDateTime -
          • IsArchived -
          • ArchivedDateTime -
          • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
          • StatusValueId -
          • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements -
          • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn -
          • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
          • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
          • InactiveReasonValueId -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
          • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess -
          • DisableScheduling -
          • GroupSalutation -
          • GroupSalutationFull -
          • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
          • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • ReminderOffsetDays -
          • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
          • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
          • ParentGroup -
          • GroupType -
          • Campus -
          • Schedule -
          • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
          • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
          • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
          • Groups -
          • Members -
          • GroupLocations -
          • GroupRequirements -
          • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers -
          • GroupSyncs -
          • Linkages -
          • StatusValue -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.ParentGroup.Groups | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • Topic - Book of Genesis
        • [1] - (4 more...)
      • Members {
      • GroupLocations {
      • GroupRequirements {
      • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers {
      • GroupSyncs {
      • Linkages {
      • StatusValue -
      • CreatedDateTime -
      • ModifiedDateTime -
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
      • CreatedByPersonId -
      • CreatedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedByPersonId -
      • ModifiedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 39
      • IdKey - 4OgvAnNm5M
      • Guid - c05e60c4-6dfc-420d-8dba-28dbb5f0e3f9
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 16
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.Group
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAIVxjQjU149j6Gozd3cHTVekbAipWtuhCMYwRG08F0C...
      • EntityStringValue - Section A
    • GroupType
      • IsSystem - False
      • Name - Small Group
      • Description - A group of people who share an interest and...
      • GroupTerm - Group
      • GroupMemberTerm - Member
      • DefaultGroupRoleId - 23
      • AllowMultipleLocations - False
      • ShowInGroupList - True
      • ShowInNavigation - True
      • IconCssClass - fa fa-home
      • TakesAttendance - True
      • AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService - False
      • SendAttendanceReminder - False
      • ShowConnectionStatus - False
      • ShowMaritalStatus - False
      • AttendanceRule - None
      • GroupCapacityRule - None
      • AttendancePrintTo - Default
      • Order - 0
      • InheritedGroupTypeId -
      • AllowedScheduleTypes - Weekly
      • LocationSelectionMode - Address, Named, GroupMember
      • EnableLocationSchedules -
      • GroupTypePurposeValueId -
      • IgnorePersonInactivated - False
      • IsIndexEnabled - False
      • GroupsRequireCampus - False
      • GroupAttendanceRequiresLocation - False
      • GroupAttendanceRequiresSchedule - False
      • GroupViewLavaTemplate - {% if Group.GroupType.GroupCapacityRule !=...
      • AllowSpecificGroupMemberAttributes - False
      • EnableSpecificGroupRequirements - False
      • AllowGroupSync - False
      • AllowSpecificGroupMemberWorkflows - False
      • EnableGroupHistory - True
      • EnableGroupTag - False
      • GroupTypeColor - #03a9f4
      • GroupStatusDefinedTypeId -
      • EnableRSVP - False
      • EnableInactiveReason - False
      • RequiresInactiveReason - False
      • AllowAnyChildGroupType - False
      • IsCapacityRequired - False
      • ScheduleConfirmationLogic - Ask
      • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • AttendanceReminderSendStartOffsetMinutes -
      • AttendanceReminderFollowupDays -
      • IsSchedulingEnabled - False
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunicationId - 30
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmailId - 30
      • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunicationId - 32
      • ScheduleReminderSystemEmailId - 32
      • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
      • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowTypeId -
      • ScheduleConfirmationEmailOffsetDays - 4
      • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays - 2
      • RequiresReasonIfDeclineSchedule - False
      • AdministratorTerm - Administrator
      • ShowAdministrator - False
      • Groups {
        • [0] - --See Previous Entry--
        • [1] - (9 more...)
      • Roles {
        • [0]
          • IsSystem -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • Order -
          • MaxCount -
          • MinCount -
          • IsLeader -
          • ReceiveRequirementsNotifications -
          • CanView -
          • CanEdit -
          • CanManageMembers -
          • GroupType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • [1] - (1 more...)
      • LocationTypes {
      • DefaultGroupRole - --See Previous Entry--
      • GroupTypePurposeValue -
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmail - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleReminderSystemEmail - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunication - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunication - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowType -
      • GroupCount - 10
      • InheritedGroupType -
      • GroupRequirements {
      • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunication -
      • CreatedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:32:03 PM
      • ModifiedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:39:57 PM
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
      • CreatedByPersonId -
      • CreatedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedByPersonId -
      • ModifiedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 25
      • IdKey - 27WxjdNL1E
      • Guid - 50fcfb30-f51a-49df-86f4-2b176ea1820b
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 91
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupType
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAEDf1gWi!2buU6rBwahlOqYP!2bMw!2bJ12wixN7R2a...
      • EntityStringValue - Small Group
    • Campus
      • IsSystem - False
      • Name - IL Campus
      • Description -
      • IsActive - True
      • ShortCode -
      • Url -
      • LocationId - 49
      • PhoneNumber - (121) 212-1212
      • LeaderPersonAliasId - 68
      • ServiceTimes - Saturday^5:00 pm|Sunday^9:00 am|Sunday^11:00 am
      • Order - 1
      • TimeZoneId -
      • CampusStatusValueId - 765
      • CampusTypeValueId - 768
      • TeamGroupId - 254
      • Location
        • IsNamedLocation - True
        • GeoFenceCoordinates -
        • Latitude - 40.54828
        • Longitude - -89.33371
        • ParentLocationId -
        • Name - IL Office
        • IsActive - True
        • LocationTypeValueId - 181
        • GeoPoint - 40.54828,-89.33371
        • GeoFence -
        • Street1 - 318 Brandy Dr
        • Street2 -
        • City - Mackinaw
        • County -
        • State - IL
        • Country - US
        • PostalCode - 61755-9707
        • Barcode - 617559707184
        • AssessorParcelId -
        • StandardizeAttemptedDateTime - 11/10/2022 3:00:04 AM
        • StandardizeAttemptedServiceType - Smarty Streets
        • StandardizeAttemptedResult - RecordType:S; DPV MatchCode:Y; Precision:Zip9
        • StandardizedDateTime - 11/10/2022 3:00:04 AM
        • GeocodeAttemptedDateTime - 11/10/2022 3:00:04 AM
        • GeocodeAttemptedServiceType - Smarty Streets
        • GeocodeAttemptedResult - RecordType:S; DPV MatchCode:Y; Precision:Zip9
        • GeocodedDateTime - 11/10/2022 3:00:04 AM
        • IsGeoPointLocked - False
        • PrinterDeviceId -
        • ImageId -
        • SoftRoomThreshold -
        • FirmRoomThreshold -
        • ParentLocation -
        • LocationTypeValue
          • IsSystem -
          • DefinedTypeId -
          • Order -
          • Value -
          • Description -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • DefinedType -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ChildLocations {
          • [0] -
        • GroupLocations {
          • [0] -
          • [1] -
        • PrinterDevice -
        • Image -
        • FormattedAddress - 318 Brandy Dr Mackinaw, IL 61755-9707
        • FormattedHtmlAddress - 318 Brandy Dr<br>Mackinaw, IL 61755-9707
        • CampusId - 2
        • Distance - 0
        • GooglePolygon -
        • CreatedDateTime - 11/9/2022 6:59:24 AM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 8/7/2023 11:39:56 AM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 68
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
        • CreatedByPersonId - 59
        • CreatedByPersonName - Dustin Cassady
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 49
        • IdKey - QLVxB2Jx9Y
        • Guid - bc7a914e-ca63-4ad7-acad-7c01a855be27
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 93
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.Location
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAICAGLCoJvGkCc2kn!2bJDydNjo07UKzmgInZHyGF8j...
        • EntityStringValue - 318 Brandy Dr Mackinaw, IL 61755-9707
      • LeaderPersonAlias
        • Name -
        • PersonId - 59
        • AliasedDateTime -
        • LastVisitDateTime -
        • InternalMessage -
        • Person
          • IsSystem -
          • RecordTypeValueId -
          • RecordStatusValueId -
          • RecordStatusLastModifiedDateTime -
          • RecordStatusReasonValueId -
          • ConnectionStatusValueId -
          • ReviewReasonValueId -
          • IsDeceased -
          • TitleValueId -
          • FirstName -
          • NickName -
          • MiddleName -
          • LastName -
          • SuffixValueId -
          • PhotoId -
          • BirthDay -
          • BirthMonth -
          • BirthYear -
          • Age -
          • Gender -
          • MaritalStatusValueId -
          • AnniversaryDate -
          • GraduationYear -
          • GivingId -
          • GivingLeaderId -
          • Email -
          • IsEmailActive -
          • EmailNote -
          • EmailPreference -
          • CommunicationPreference -
          • ReviewReasonNote -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • SystemNote -
          • ViewedCount -
          • TopSignalColor -
          • TopSignalIconCssClass -
          • TopSignalId -
          • AgeClassification -
          • PrimaryFamilyId -
          • PrimaryCampusId -
          • IsLockedAsChild -
          • DeceasedDate -
          • ContributionFinancialAccountId -
          • AccountProtectionProfile -
          • PreferredLanguageValueId -
          • ReminderCount -
          • RaceValueId -
          • EthnicityValueId -
          • BirthDateKey -
          • AgeBracket -
          • Users -
          • PhoneNumbers -
          • Members -
          • Aliases -
          • MaritalStatusValue -
          • ConnectionStatusValue -
          • ReviewReasonValue -
          • RecordStatusValue -
          • RecordStatusReasonValue -
          • RecordTypeValue -
          • SuffixValue -
          • TitleValue -
          • Photo -
          • GivingGroup -
          • PrimaryFamily -
          • PrimaryCampus -
          • PreferredLanguageValue -
          • DaysUntilBirthday -
          • RaceValue -
          • EthnicityValue -
          • GivingGroupId -
          • PrimaryAliasId -
          • FullName -
          • Initials -
          • FullNameFormal -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeek -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeekShort -
          • PhotoUrl -
          • BirthDate -
          • NextBirthDay -
          • DaysToBirthday -
          • AgePrecise -
          • DaysToAnniversary -
          • NextAnniversary -
          • DaysUntilAnniversary -
          • GradeOffset -
          • HasGraduated -
          • GradeFormatted -
          • ImpersonationParameter -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • PrimaryAlias -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.Campus.LeaderPersonAlias.Person | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • AbilityLevel -
            • Allergy -
            • LegalNotes -
            • PreviousChurch -
            • FirstVisit -
            • SecondVisit -
            • SourceofVisit -
            • School -
            • Employer -
            • Position -
            • MembershipDate -
            • Facebook -
            • BackgroundChecked -
            • BackgroundCheckDate -
            • BackgroundCheckResult -
            • BackgroundCheckDocument -
            • core_ConflictThemeWinning -
            • core_EQSelfAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorBelieving -
            • core_MotivatorCaring -
            • core_MotivatorExpressing -
            • core_MotivatorEmpowering -
            • core_MotivatorAdapting -
            • core_MotivatorGathering -
            • core_MotivatorInnovating -
            • core_MotivatorLeading -
            • core_MotivatorLearning -
            • core_MotivatorMaximizing -
            • core_MotivatorOrganizing -
            • core_MotivatorPacing -
            • core_MotivatorPerceiving -
            • core_MotivatorRelating -
            • core_MotivatorServing -
            • core_MotivatorThinking -
            • core_MotivatorTransforming -
            • core_MotivatorUniting -
            • core_MotivatorPersevering -
            • core_MotivatorRisking -
            • core_MotivatorVisioning -
            • core_MotivatorsDirectionalTheme -
            • core_MotivatorEngaging -
            • DoNotSendGivingStatement - No
            • BaptismDate -
            • Twitter -
            • AdaptiveD -
            • core_CurrentlyAnEra -
            • core_GivingEnvelopeNumber -
            • core_ConflictThemeSolving -
            • core_EQSelfRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsIntellectualTheme -
            • Instagram -
            • AdaptiveI -
            • core_EraStartDate -
            • core_ConflictThemeAccommodating -
            • core_EQOthersAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorsPositionalTheme -
            • AdaptiveS -
            • core_EraEndDate -
            • Snapchat -
            • core_ConflictModeWinning -
            • core_EQOthersRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsRelationalTheme -
            • AdaptiveC -
            • core_EraFirstCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeResolving -
            • core_EQProblemSolving -
            • core_MotivatorGrowthPropensity -
            • NaturalD -
            • com.sparkdevnetwork.DLNumber -
            • core_EraLastCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeCompromising -
            • core_EQUnderStress -
            • NaturalI -
            • core_EraLastGave -
            • core_EraFirstGave -
            • core_ConflictModeAvoiding -
            • NaturalS -
            • core_TimesCheckedIn16Wks -
            • core_ConflictModeYielding -
            • NaturalC -
            • core_EraTimesGiven52Wks -
            • LastSaveDate -
            • LastDiscRequestDate -
            • core_EraTimesGiven6Wks -
            • PersonalityType -
            • core_DominantGifts - Discernment, Giving, Leadership
            • core_SupportiveGifts - Evangelism, Mercy, Teaching
            • core_OtherGifts -
            • core_SpiritualGiftsLastSaveDate -
            • core_DISCDISCProfile - DS
            • core_MotivatorsTop5Motivators -
            • PreferredCurrency -
            • PreferredSource -
            • FrequencyLabel -
            • PercentofGiftsScheduled -
            • GiftAmountIQR -
            • GiftAmountMedian -
            • GiftFrequencyDaysMean -
            • GiftFrequencyDaysStandardDeviation -
            • GivingBin -
            • GivingPercentile -
            • NextExpectedGiftDate -
            • LastClassificationRunDateTime -
            • BetterTogetherFirstInteraction - 1/3/2023
            • CurrentJourneyGivingStage - Former Giver
            • PreviousJourneyGivingStage - Lapsed Giver
            • JourneyGivingStageChangeDate - 8/20/2024
            • BaptizedUnknownDate -
            • WorkLocation -
            • IsBaptized -
        • Id - 68
        • IdKey - dZKN15gNGb
        • Guid - f81ad01a-9828-46c5-90b4-86f60c040b64
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 226
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.PersonAlias
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAMox1DsQVR0iXFNr1IsIePA5nYwPU14iI!2brseToke...
        • EntityStringValue - Dustin Cassady
      • CampusStatusValue
        • IsSystem - True
        • DefinedTypeId - 80
        • Order - 1
        • Value - Open
        • Description -
        • IsActive - True
        • CategoryId -
        • DefinedType
          • IsSystem -
          • FieldTypeId -
          • Order -
          • CategoryId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • HelpText -
          • IsActive -
          • EnableSecurityOnValues -
          • CategorizedValuesEnabled -
          • DefinedValues -
          • Category -
          • FieldType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Category -
        • CreatedDateTime -
        • ModifiedDateTime -
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
        • CreatedByPersonId -
        • CreatedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedByPersonId -
        • ModifiedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 765
        • IdKey - L14v7AAzKn
        • Guid - 10696fd8-d0c7-486f-b736-5fb3f5d69f1a
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 31
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.DefinedValue
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAKb9OVJhlgjB!2f!2bcTeyizUUp1ouxWCK8KwDnolmA...
        • EntityStringValue - Open
      • CampusTypeValue
        • IsSystem - True
        • DefinedTypeId - 81
        • Order - 1
        • Value - Physical
        • Description -
        • IsActive - True
        • CategoryId -
        • DefinedType
          • IsSystem -
          • FieldTypeId -
          • Order -
          • CategoryId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • HelpText -
          • IsActive -
          • EnableSecurityOnValues -
          • CategorizedValuesEnabled -
          • DefinedValues -
          • Category -
          • FieldType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Category -
        • CreatedDateTime -
        • ModifiedDateTime -
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
        • CreatedByPersonId -
        • CreatedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedByPersonId -
        • ModifiedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 768
        • IdKey - dZKN1dqvGb
        • Guid - 5a61507b-79cb-4da2-af43-6f82260203b3
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 31
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.DefinedValue
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAMkDLkKGOgxsJCuD4RK1tFrmkd4nzWmGIe7W5vINhg8...
        • EntityStringValue - Physical
      • TeamGroup
        • IsSystem - True
        • ParentGroupId -
        • GroupTypeId - 36
        • CampusId -
        • ScheduleId -
        • Name - IL Campus Team
        • Description - Are responsible for leading and administering...
        • IsSecurityRole - False
        • ElevatedSecurityLevel - None
        • IsActive - True
        • Order - 0
        • AllowGuests -
        • IsPublic - True
        • GroupCapacity -
        • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
        • InactiveDateTime -
        • IsArchived - False
        • ArchivedDateTime -
        • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
        • StatusValueId -
        • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements - False
        • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn - ScheduleNotRequired
        • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
        • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
        • InactiveReasonValueId -
        • InactiveReasonNote -
        • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
        • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess - False
        • DisableScheduling - False
        • GroupSalutation -
        • GroupSalutationFull -
        • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
        • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • ReminderOffsetDays -
        • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
        • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
        • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
        • ParentGroup -
        • GroupType
          • IsSystem -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • GroupTerm -
          • GroupMemberTerm -
          • DefaultGroupRoleId -
          • AllowMultipleLocations -
          • ShowInGroupList -
          • ShowInNavigation -
          • IconCssClass -
          • TakesAttendance -
          • AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService -
          • SendAttendanceReminder -
          • ShowConnectionStatus -
          • ShowMaritalStatus -
          • AttendanceRule -
          • GroupCapacityRule -
          • AttendancePrintTo -
          • Order -
          • InheritedGroupTypeId -
          • AllowedScheduleTypes -
          • LocationSelectionMode -
          • EnableLocationSchedules -
          • GroupTypePurposeValueId -
          • IgnorePersonInactivated -
          • IsIndexEnabled -
          • GroupsRequireCampus -
          • GroupAttendanceRequiresLocation -
          • GroupAttendanceRequiresSchedule -
          • GroupViewLavaTemplate -
          • AllowSpecificGroupMemberAttributes -
          • EnableSpecificGroupRequirements -
          • AllowGroupSync -
          • AllowSpecificGroupMemberWorkflows -
          • EnableGroupHistory -
          • EnableGroupTag -
          • GroupTypeColor -
          • GroupStatusDefinedTypeId -
          • EnableRSVP -
          • EnableInactiveReason -
          • RequiresInactiveReason -
          • AllowAnyChildGroupType -
          • IsCapacityRequired -
          • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
          • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • AttendanceReminderSendStartOffsetMinutes -
          • AttendanceReminderFollowupDays -
          • IsSchedulingEnabled -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunicationId -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmailId -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemEmailId -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
          • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowTypeId -
          • ScheduleConfirmationEmailOffsetDays -
          • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays -
          • RequiresReasonIfDeclineSchedule -
          • AdministratorTerm -
          • ShowAdministrator -
          • Groups -
          • Roles -
          • LocationTypes -
          • DefaultGroupRole -
          • GroupTypePurposeValue -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmail -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemEmail -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunication -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunication -
          • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowType -
          • GroupCount -
          • InheritedGroupType -
          • GroupRequirements -
          • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunication -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Campus -
        • Schedule -
        • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
        • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
        • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
        • Groups {
        • Members {
        • GroupLocations {
        • GroupRequirements {
        • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers {
        • GroupSyncs {
        • Linkages {
        • StatusValue -
        • CreatedDateTime - 11/9/2022 7:00:36 AM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 11/9/2022 7:00:36 AM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 68
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 68
        • CreatedByPersonId - 59
        • CreatedByPersonName - Dustin Cassady
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 59
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Dustin Cassady
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 254
        • IdKey - G7qv6a6xoy
        • Guid - 69532c90-1c53-4057-a1e6-d83d9e9b38c4
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 16
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.Group
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAG2m!2bQZnnb2thPLkkpkNgZ5KlFxpO6PxEXIdtu8VA...
        • EntityStringValue - IL Campus Team
      • CampusSchedules {
        • [0]
          • CampusId -
          • ScheduleId -
          • ScheduleTypeValueId -
          • Order -
          • Campus -
          • Schedule -
          • ScheduleTypeValue -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • [1] - (1 more...)
      • CampusTopics {
      • CreatedDateTime - 11/9/2022 7:00:36 AM
      • ModifiedDateTime - 8/8/2023 10:08:06 AM
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 68
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
      • CreatedByPersonId - 59
      • CreatedByPersonName - Dustin Cassady
      • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
      • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 2
      • IdKey - Aa0z09xYWk
      • Guid - cdef2881-7e16-410f-a968-0bd8f8b2ca93
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 67
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.Campus
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAADF4N!2b!2bQUGehNO!2fQD12CMu2acC5vMZklG66P8...
      • EntityStringValue - IL Campus
    • Schedule
      • iCalendarContent -
      • WeeklyTimeOfDayText - 7:00 PM
      • IsScheduleActive - False
      • IsCheckInActive - False
      • NextStartDateTime -
      • FirstStartDateTime -
      • FirstStartDateTimeThisWeek -
      • StartTimeOfDay - 19:00:00
      • DurationInMinutes - 0
      • FriendlyScheduleText - Wednesday at 7:00 PM
      • AbbreviatedName -
      • Name -
      • Description -
      • CheckInStartOffsetMinutes -
      • CheckInEndOffsetMinutes -
      • EffectiveStartDate -
      • EffectiveEndDate -
      • WeeklyDayOfWeek - Wednesday
      • WeeklyTimeOfDay - 19:00:00
      • CategoryId -
      • AutoInactivateWhenComplete - False
      • IsActive - True
      • Order - 0
      • IsPublic - True
      • Category -
      • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
      • ModifiedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 10
      • CreatedByPersonId - 1
      • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
      • ModifiedByPersonId - 1
      • ModifiedByPersonName - Admin Admin
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 20
      • IdKey - Ljmxk3xQl8
      • Guid - 09d55f74-998e-4dbb-905d-02da41c39253
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 54
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.Schedule
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAIaL1jT!2b3DHkpWQxF2g!2fg1ibA!2fMNiQsFkJzdO...
      • EntityStringValue - Wednesday at 7:00 PM
    • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
    • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
    • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
    • Groups {
    • Members {
      • [0]
        • IsSystem - False
        • GroupId - 117
        • GroupTypeId - 25
        • PersonId - 16
        • GroupRoleId - 24
        • Note -
        • GroupMemberStatus - Active
        • GuestCount -
        • DateTimeAdded - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
        • IsNotified - False
        • GroupOrder -
        • InactiveDateTime -
        • IsArchived - False
        • ArchivedDateTime -
        • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
        • ScheduleTemplateId -
        • ScheduleStartDate -
        • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays -
        • CommunicationPreference - RecipientPreference
        • Person
          • IsSystem -
          • RecordTypeValueId -
          • RecordStatusValueId -
          • RecordStatusLastModifiedDateTime -
          • RecordStatusReasonValueId -
          • ConnectionStatusValueId -
          • ReviewReasonValueId -
          • IsDeceased -
          • TitleValueId -
          • FirstName -
          • NickName -
          • MiddleName -
          • LastName -
          • SuffixValueId -
          • PhotoId -
          • BirthDay -
          • BirthMonth -
          • BirthYear -
          • Age -
          • Gender -
          • MaritalStatusValueId -
          • AnniversaryDate -
          • GraduationYear -
          • GivingId -
          • GivingLeaderId -
          • Email -
          • IsEmailActive -
          • EmailNote -
          • EmailPreference -
          • CommunicationPreference -
          • ReviewReasonNote -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • SystemNote -
          • ViewedCount -
          • TopSignalColor -
          • TopSignalIconCssClass -
          • TopSignalId -
          • AgeClassification -
          • PrimaryFamilyId -
          • PrimaryCampusId -
          • IsLockedAsChild -
          • DeceasedDate -
          • ContributionFinancialAccountId -
          • AccountProtectionProfile -
          • PreferredLanguageValueId -
          • ReminderCount -
          • RaceValueId -
          • EthnicityValueId -
          • BirthDateKey -
          • AgeBracket -
          • Users -
          • PhoneNumbers -
          • Members -
          • Aliases -
          • MaritalStatusValue -
          • ConnectionStatusValue -
          • ReviewReasonValue -
          • RecordStatusValue -
          • RecordStatusReasonValue -
          • RecordTypeValue -
          • SuffixValue -
          • TitleValue -
          • Photo -
          • GivingGroup -
          • PrimaryFamily -
          • PrimaryCampus -
          • PreferredLanguageValue -
          • DaysUntilBirthday -
          • RaceValue -
          • EthnicityValue -
          • GivingGroupId -
          • PrimaryAliasId -
          • FullName -
          • Initials -
          • FullNameFormal -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeek -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeekShort -
          • PhotoUrl -
          • BirthDate -
          • NextBirthDay -
          • DaysToBirthday -
          • AgePrecise -
          • DaysToAnniversary -
          • NextAnniversary -
          • DaysUntilAnniversary -
          • GradeOffset -
          • HasGraduated -
          • GradeFormatted -
          • ImpersonationParameter -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • PrimaryAlias -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.Members.Person | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • AbilityLevel -
            • Allergy -
            • LegalNotes -
            • PreviousChurch -
            • FirstVisit -
            • SecondVisit -
            • SourceofVisit -
            • School -
            • Employer - Rock Solid Church
            • Position - Assistant
            • MembershipDate -
            • Facebook -
            • BackgroundChecked -
            • BackgroundCheckDate -
            • BackgroundCheckResult -
            • BackgroundCheckDocument -
            • core_ConflictThemeWinning -
            • core_EQSelfAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorBelieving -
            • core_MotivatorCaring -
            • core_MotivatorExpressing -
            • core_MotivatorEmpowering -
            • core_MotivatorAdapting -
            • core_MotivatorGathering -
            • core_MotivatorInnovating -
            • core_MotivatorLeading -
            • core_MotivatorLearning -
            • core_MotivatorMaximizing -
            • core_MotivatorOrganizing -
            • core_MotivatorPacing -
            • core_MotivatorPerceiving -
            • core_MotivatorRelating -
            • core_MotivatorServing -
            • core_MotivatorThinking -
            • core_MotivatorTransforming -
            • core_MotivatorUniting -
            • core_MotivatorPersevering -
            • core_MotivatorRisking -
            • core_MotivatorVisioning -
            • core_MotivatorsDirectionalTheme -
            • core_MotivatorEngaging -
            • DoNotSendGivingStatement - No
            • BaptismDate -
            • Twitter -
            • AdaptiveD -
            • core_CurrentlyAnEra -
            • core_GivingEnvelopeNumber -
            • core_ConflictThemeSolving -
            • core_EQSelfRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsIntellectualTheme -
            • Instagram -
            • AdaptiveI -
            • core_EraStartDate -
            • core_ConflictThemeAccommodating -
            • core_EQOthersAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorsPositionalTheme -
            • AdaptiveS -
            • core_EraEndDate -
            • Snapchat -
            • core_ConflictModeWinning -
            • core_EQOthersRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsRelationalTheme -
            • AdaptiveC -
            • core_EraFirstCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeResolving -
            • core_EQProblemSolving -
            • core_MotivatorGrowthPropensity -
            • NaturalD -
            • com.sparkdevnetwork.DLNumber -
            • core_EraLastCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeCompromising -
            • core_EQUnderStress -
            • NaturalI -
            • core_EraLastGave - 10/30/2022
            • core_EraFirstGave - 1/5/2014
            • core_ConflictModeAvoiding -
            • NaturalS -
            • core_TimesCheckedIn16Wks -
            • core_ConflictModeYielding -
            • NaturalC -
            • core_EraTimesGiven52Wks -
            • LastSaveDate -
            • LastDiscRequestDate -
            • core_EraTimesGiven6Wks -
            • PersonalityType -
            • core_DominantGifts -
            • core_SupportiveGifts -
            • core_OtherGifts -
            • core_SpiritualGiftsLastSaveDate -
            • core_DISCDISCProfile -
            • core_MotivatorsTop5Motivators -
            • PreferredCurrency - Check
            • PreferredSource -
            • FrequencyLabel - Erratic
            • PercentofGiftsScheduled - 0
            • GiftAmountIQR - $0.00
            • GiftAmountMedian - $158.00
            • GiftFrequencyDaysMean - 8.80645161290323
            • GiftFrequencyDaysStandardDeviation - 5.32443760373298
            • GivingBin - 1
            • GivingPercentile - 99
            • NextExpectedGiftDate - 11/7/2022
            • LastClassificationRunDateTime - 2/3/2023
            • BetterTogetherFirstInteraction -
            • CurrentJourneyGivingStage - Former Giver
            • PreviousJourneyGivingStage - Lapsed Giver
            • JourneyGivingStageChangeDate - 11/14/2023
            • BaptizedUnknownDate -
            • WorkLocation -
            • IsBaptized -
        • Group - --See Previous Entry--
        • GroupRole
          • IsSystem -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • Order -
          • MaxCount -
          • MinCount -
          • IsLeader -
          • ReceiveRequirementsNotifications -
          • CanView -
          • CanEdit -
          • CanManageMembers -
          • GroupType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
        • GroupMemberRequirements {
        • ScheduleTemplate -
        • GroupMemberAssignments {
        • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 10
        • CreatedByPersonId - 1
        • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 1
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Admin Admin
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 88
        • IdKey - kj6NQEkNLE
        • Guid - 2134c573-eceb-467d-8dca-3a4d586c4cf8
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 90
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupMember
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAD!2fF8lHJm7!2feCV1IsPBhAmzRAvz8SJxQTFG6wXt...
        • EntityStringValue - Alisha Marble
      • [1] - (2 more...)
    • GroupLocations {
      • [0]
        • GroupId - 117
        • LocationId - 19
        • GroupLocationTypeValueId - 209
        • IsMailingLocation - False
        • IsMappedLocation - False
        • GroupMemberPersonAliasId - 25
        • Order - 0
        • Group - --See Previous Entry--
        • Location
          • IsNamedLocation -
          • GeoFenceCoordinates -
          • Latitude -
          • Longitude -
          • ParentLocationId -
          • Name -
          • IsActive -
          • LocationTypeValueId -
          • GeoPoint -
          • GeoFence -
          • Street1 -
          • Street2 -
          • City -
          • County -
          • State -
          • Country -
          • PostalCode -
          • Barcode -
          • AssessorParcelId -
          • StandardizeAttemptedDateTime -
          • StandardizeAttemptedServiceType -
          • StandardizeAttemptedResult -
          • StandardizedDateTime -
          • GeocodeAttemptedDateTime -
          • GeocodeAttemptedServiceType -
          • GeocodeAttemptedResult -
          • GeocodedDateTime -
          • IsGeoPointLocked -
          • PrinterDeviceId -
          • ImageId -
          • SoftRoomThreshold -
          • FirmRoomThreshold -
          • ParentLocation -
          • LocationTypeValue -
          • ChildLocations -
          • GroupLocations -
          • PrinterDevice -
          • Image -
          • FormattedAddress -
          • FormattedHtmlAddress -
          • CampusId -
          • Distance -
          • GooglePolygon -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • GroupLocationTypeValue
          • IsSystem -
          • DefinedTypeId -
          • Order -
          • Value -
          • Description -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • DefinedType -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.GroupLocations.GroupLocationTypeValue | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • AllowMapSelection - Yes
            • AllowNamedSelection - Yes
            • AllowAddressSelection - Yes
            • IconCSSClass -
        • GroupMemberPersonAlias
          • Name -
          • PersonId -
          • AliasedDateTime -
          • LastVisitDateTime -
          • InternalMessage -
          • Person -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Schedules {
        • GroupLocationScheduleConfigs {
        • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 10
        • CreatedByPersonId - 1
        • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 1
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Admin Admin
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 56
        • IdKey - kWgzZD5v5r
        • Guid - 6ae2a1c8-e8a0-45aa-a5cc-5eb24a9341a0
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 89
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupLocation
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAKTdz0EB41T5HwAGxVnh4Fg015XMdp3yoBjQ2UpN1VC...
        • EntityStringValue - Alisha Marble’s Group at 3002 W Lupine...
    • GroupRequirements {
    • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers {
    • GroupSyncs {
    • Linkages {
    • StatusValue -
    • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:06 PM
    • ModifiedDateTime - 7/26/2023 8:20:02 AM
    • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
    • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
    • CreatedByPersonId - 1
    • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
    • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
    • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
    • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
    • Id - 117
    • IdKey - 7MmxrAbzL2
    • Guid - 10b60f8d-0f23-4faa-b35f-9a5f19f5f995
    • ForeignId -
    • ForeignGuid -
    • ForeignKey -
    • TypeId - 16
    • TypeName - Rock.Model.Group
    • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAANk4lzbBMN5cXceZaMR1sy7!2f2o1NYg66S!2b81E98...
    • EntityStringValue - Alisha Marble’s Group
    • Attributes

      Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

      • Topic - Women of the Bible
  • [1]
    • IsSystem - False
    • ParentGroupId - 40
    • GroupTypeId - 25
    • CampusId - 5
    • ScheduleId - 23
    • Name - ASU Student Group
    • Description - We hang out and study the bible in an informal...
    • IsSecurityRole - False
    • ElevatedSecurityLevel - None
    • IsActive - True
    • Order - 0
    • AllowGuests -
    • IsPublic - True
    • GroupCapacity -
    • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
    • InactiveDateTime -
    • IsArchived - False
    • ArchivedDateTime -
    • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
    • StatusValueId -
    • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements - False
    • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn - ScheduleNotRequired
    • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
    • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
    • InactiveReasonValueId -
    • InactiveReasonNote -
    • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
    • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
    • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess - False
    • DisableScheduling - False
    • GroupSalutation -
    • GroupSalutationFull -
    • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
    • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
    • ReminderOffsetDays -
    • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
    • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
    • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
    • ParentGroup
      • IsSystem - False
      • ParentGroupId -
      • GroupTypeId - 24
      • CampusId -
      • ScheduleId -
      • Name - Section B
      • Description - A second placeholder section to demonstrate...
      • IsSecurityRole - False
      • ElevatedSecurityLevel - None
      • IsActive - True
      • Order - 0
      • AllowGuests -
      • IsPublic - True
      • GroupCapacity -
      • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
      • InactiveDateTime -
      • IsArchived - False
      • ArchivedDateTime -
      • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
      • StatusValueId -
      • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements - False
      • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn - ScheduleNotRequired
      • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
      • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
      • InactiveReasonValueId -
      • InactiveReasonNote -
      • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
      • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess - False
      • DisableScheduling - False
      • GroupSalutation -
      • GroupSalutationFull -
      • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
      • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • ReminderOffsetDays -
      • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
      • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
      • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
      • ParentGroup -
      • GroupType
        • IsSystem - False
        • Name - Small Group Section
        • Description - Holds a hierarchy of small groups for a...
        • GroupTerm - Group
        • GroupMemberTerm - Member
        • DefaultGroupRoleId - 22
        • AllowMultipleLocations - False
        • ShowInGroupList - True
        • ShowInNavigation - True
        • IconCssClass - fa fa-sitemap
        • TakesAttendance - False
        • AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService - False
        • SendAttendanceReminder - False
        • ShowConnectionStatus - False
        • ShowMaritalStatus - False
        • AttendanceRule - None
        • GroupCapacityRule - None
        • AttendancePrintTo - Default
        • Order - 0
        • InheritedGroupTypeId -
        • AllowedScheduleTypes - None
        • LocationSelectionMode - None
        • EnableLocationSchedules -
        • GroupTypePurposeValueId -
        • IgnorePersonInactivated - False
        • IsIndexEnabled - False
        • GroupsRequireCampus - False
        • GroupAttendanceRequiresLocation - False
        • GroupAttendanceRequiresSchedule - False
        • GroupViewLavaTemplate - {% if Group.GroupType.GroupCapacityRule !=...
        • AllowSpecificGroupMemberAttributes - False
        • EnableSpecificGroupRequirements - False
        • AllowGroupSync - False
        • AllowSpecificGroupMemberWorkflows - False
        • EnableGroupHistory - False
        • EnableGroupTag - False
        • GroupTypeColor -
        • GroupStatusDefinedTypeId -
        • EnableRSVP - False
        • EnableInactiveReason - False
        • RequiresInactiveReason - False
        • AllowAnyChildGroupType - False
        • IsCapacityRequired - False
        • ScheduleConfirmationLogic - Ask
        • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • AttendanceReminderSendStartOffsetMinutes -
        • AttendanceReminderFollowupDays -
        • IsSchedulingEnabled - False
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunicationId - 30
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmailId - 30
        • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunicationId - 32
        • ScheduleReminderSystemEmailId - 32
        • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
        • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowTypeId -
        • ScheduleConfirmationEmailOffsetDays - 4
        • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays - 2
        • RequiresReasonIfDeclineSchedule - False
        • AdministratorTerm - Administrator
        • ShowAdministrator - False
        • Groups {
          • [0] -
          • [1] -
        • Roles {
          • [0] -
        • LocationTypes {
        • DefaultGroupRole
          • IsSystem -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • Order -
          • MaxCount -
          • MinCount -
          • IsLeader -
          • ReceiveRequirementsNotifications -
          • CanView -
          • CanEdit -
          • CanManageMembers -
          • GroupType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • GroupTypePurposeValue -
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmail
          • IsSystem -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleReminderSystemEmail
          • IsSystem -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunication
          • IsSystem -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • CssInliningEnabled -
          • SMSMessage -
          • SMSFromDefinedValueId -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumberId -
          • LavaFieldsJson -
          • PushTitle -
          • PushMessage -
          • PushSound -
          • PushImageBinaryFileId -
          • PushOpenAction -
          • PushOpenMessage -
          • PushData -
          • Category -
          • SMSFromDefinedValue -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumber -
          • LavaFields -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunication
          • IsSystem -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • Title -
          • From -
          • FromName -
          • To -
          • Cc -
          • Bcc -
          • Subject -
          • Body -
          • CssInliningEnabled -
          • SMSMessage -
          • SMSFromDefinedValueId -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumberId -
          • LavaFieldsJson -
          • PushTitle -
          • PushMessage -
          • PushSound -
          • PushImageBinaryFileId -
          • PushOpenAction -
          • PushOpenMessage -
          • PushData -
          • Category -
          • SMSFromDefinedValue -
          • SmsFromSystemPhoneNumber -
          • LavaFields -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowType -
        • GroupCount - 2
        • InheritedGroupType -
        • GroupRequirements {
        • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunication -
        • CreatedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:23:50 PM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:42:59 PM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
        • CreatedByPersonId -
        • CreatedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedByPersonId -
        • ModifiedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 24
        • IdKey - dZKN1gxGbp
        • Guid - fab75ec6-0402-456a-be34-252097de4f20
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 91
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupType
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAE7s!2fSkM!2b7dIUv!2bOdeDCgX3JQNJTjdzziNZ2e...
        • EntityStringValue - Small Group Section
      • Campus -
      • Schedule -
      • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
      • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
      • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
      • Groups {
        • [0]
          • IsSystem -
          • ParentGroupId -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • CampusId -
          • ScheduleId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • IsSecurityRole -
          • ElevatedSecurityLevel -
          • IsActive -
          • Order -
          • AllowGuests -
          • IsPublic -
          • GroupCapacity -
          • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
          • InactiveDateTime -
          • IsArchived -
          • ArchivedDateTime -
          • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
          • StatusValueId -
          • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements -
          • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn -
          • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
          • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
          • InactiveReasonValueId -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
          • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess -
          • DisableScheduling -
          • GroupSalutation -
          • GroupSalutationFull -
          • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
          • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • ReminderOffsetDays -
          • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
          • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
          • ParentGroup -
          • GroupType -
          • Campus -
          • Schedule -
          • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
          • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
          • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
          • Groups -
          • Members -
          • GroupLocations -
          • GroupRequirements -
          • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers -
          • GroupSyncs -
          • Linkages -
          • StatusValue -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.ParentGroup.Groups | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • Topic - General Bible Study
        • [1] - (4 more...)
      • Members {
      • GroupLocations {
      • GroupRequirements {
      • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers {
      • GroupSyncs {
      • Linkages {
      • StatusValue -
      • CreatedDateTime -
      • ModifiedDateTime -
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
      • CreatedByPersonId -
      • CreatedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedByPersonId -
      • ModifiedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 40
      • IdKey - LdMvXVzjkp
      • Guid - 3cbc1a3f-dd26-430a-9b53-b476cb385abc
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 16
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.Group
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAKD1tSwLJXBqjmi9!2braZ6Y6KSRruA6HtaHaJVNB7D...
      • EntityStringValue - Section B
    • GroupType
      • IsSystem - False
      • Name - Small Group
      • Description - A group of people who share an interest and...
      • GroupTerm - Group
      • GroupMemberTerm - Member
      • DefaultGroupRoleId - 23
      • AllowMultipleLocations - False
      • ShowInGroupList - True
      • ShowInNavigation - True
      • IconCssClass - fa fa-home
      • TakesAttendance - True
      • AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService - False
      • SendAttendanceReminder - False
      • ShowConnectionStatus - False
      • ShowMaritalStatus - False
      • AttendanceRule - None
      • GroupCapacityRule - None
      • AttendancePrintTo - Default
      • Order - 0
      • InheritedGroupTypeId -
      • AllowedScheduleTypes - Weekly
      • LocationSelectionMode - Address, Named, GroupMember
      • EnableLocationSchedules -
      • GroupTypePurposeValueId -
      • IgnorePersonInactivated - False
      • IsIndexEnabled - False
      • GroupsRequireCampus - False
      • GroupAttendanceRequiresLocation - False
      • GroupAttendanceRequiresSchedule - False
      • GroupViewLavaTemplate - {% if Group.GroupType.GroupCapacityRule !=...
      • AllowSpecificGroupMemberAttributes - False
      • EnableSpecificGroupRequirements - False
      • AllowGroupSync - False
      • AllowSpecificGroupMemberWorkflows - False
      • EnableGroupHistory - True
      • EnableGroupTag - False
      • GroupTypeColor - #03a9f4
      • GroupStatusDefinedTypeId -
      • EnableRSVP - False
      • EnableInactiveReason - False
      • RequiresInactiveReason - False
      • AllowAnyChildGroupType - False
      • IsCapacityRequired - False
      • ScheduleConfirmationLogic - Ask
      • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • AttendanceReminderSendStartOffsetMinutes -
      • AttendanceReminderFollowupDays -
      • IsSchedulingEnabled - False
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunicationId - 30
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmailId - 30
      • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunicationId - 32
      • ScheduleReminderSystemEmailId - 32
      • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
      • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
      • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowTypeId -
      • ScheduleConfirmationEmailOffsetDays - 4
      • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays - 2
      • RequiresReasonIfDeclineSchedule - False
      • AdministratorTerm - Administrator
      • ShowAdministrator - False
      • Groups {
        • [0]
          • IsSystem -
          • ParentGroupId -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • CampusId -
          • ScheduleId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • IsSecurityRole -
          • ElevatedSecurityLevel -
          • IsActive -
          • Order -
          • AllowGuests -
          • IsPublic -
          • GroupCapacity -
          • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
          • InactiveDateTime -
          • IsArchived -
          • ArchivedDateTime -
          • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
          • StatusValueId -
          • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements -
          • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn -
          • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
          • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
          • InactiveReasonValueId -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
          • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess -
          • DisableScheduling -
          • GroupSalutation -
          • GroupSalutationFull -
          • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
          • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • ReminderOffsetDays -
          • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
          • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
          • ParentGroup -
          • GroupType -
          • Campus -
          • Schedule -
          • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
          • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
          • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
          • Groups -
          • Members -
          • GroupLocations -
          • GroupRequirements -
          • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers -
          • GroupSyncs -
          • Linkages -
          • StatusValue -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.GroupType.Groups | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • Topic - Book of Genesis
        • [1] - (9 more...)
      • Roles {
        • [0]
          • IsSystem -
          • GroupTypeId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • Order -
          • MaxCount -
          • MinCount -
          • IsLeader -
          • ReceiveRequirementsNotifications -
          • CanView -
          • CanEdit -
          • CanManageMembers -
          • GroupType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • [1] - (1 more...)
      • LocationTypes {
      • DefaultGroupRole - --See Previous Entry--
      • GroupTypePurposeValue -
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmail - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleReminderSystemEmail - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunication - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunication - --See Previous Entry--
      • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowType -
      • GroupCount - 10
      • InheritedGroupType -
      • GroupRequirements {
      • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunication -
      • CreatedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:32:03 PM
      • ModifiedDateTime - 2/24/2014 3:39:57 PM
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
      • CreatedByPersonId -
      • CreatedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedByPersonId -
      • ModifiedByPersonName -
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 25
      • IdKey - 27WxjdNL1E
      • Guid - 50fcfb30-f51a-49df-86f4-2b176ea1820b
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 91
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupType
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAALI0aHcb1IdAczAEWg!2fCkKsi1vZ2MRv7JV8bTXh8j...
      • EntityStringValue - Small Group
    • Campus
      • IsSystem - False
      • Name - Morton Office
      • Description -
      • IsActive - True
      • ShortCode -
      • Url -
      • LocationId - 53
      • PhoneNumber - (121) 212-1212
      • LeaderPersonAliasId - 116
      • ServiceTimes - Saturday^5:00 pm|Sunday^9:00 am|Sunday^11:00 am
      • Order - 4
      • TimeZoneId -
      • CampusStatusValueId - 765
      • CampusTypeValueId - 768
      • TeamGroupId - 425
      • Location
        • IsNamedLocation - True
        • GeoFenceCoordinates -
        • Latitude - 40.61938
        • Longitude - -89.46417
        • ParentLocationId -
        • Name - Morton Office
        • IsActive - True
        • LocationTypeValueId - 181
        • GeoPoint - 40.61938,-89.46417
        • GeoFence -
        • Street1 - 500 N Morton Ave
        • Street2 -
        • City - Morton
        • County - Tazewell
        • State - IL
        • Country - US
        • PostalCode - 61550-1527
        • Barcode - 615501527008
        • AssessorParcelId -
        • StandardizeAttemptedDateTime - 4/6/2023 8:04:49 AM
        • StandardizeAttemptedServiceType - Smarty Streets
        • StandardizeAttemptedResult - RecordType:S; DPV MatchCode:Y; Precision:Zip9
        • StandardizedDateTime - 4/6/2023 8:04:49 AM
        • GeocodeAttemptedDateTime - 4/6/2023 8:04:49 AM
        • GeocodeAttemptedServiceType - Smarty Streets
        • GeocodeAttemptedResult - RecordType:S; DPV MatchCode:Y; Precision:Zip9
        • GeocodedDateTime - 4/6/2023 8:04:49 AM
        • IsGeoPointLocked - False
        • PrinterDeviceId -
        • ImageId -
        • SoftRoomThreshold -
        • FirmRoomThreshold -
        • ParentLocation -
        • LocationTypeValue
          • IsSystem -
          • DefinedTypeId -
          • Order -
          • Value -
          • Description -
          • IsActive -
          • CategoryId -
          • DefinedType -
          • Category -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • ChildLocations {
        • GroupLocations {
        • PrinterDevice -
        • Image -
        • FormattedAddress - 500 N Morton Ave Morton, IL 61550-1527
        • FormattedHtmlAddress - 500 N Morton Ave<br>Morton, IL 61550-1527
        • CampusId - 5
        • Distance - 0
        • GooglePolygon -
        • CreatedDateTime - 4/6/2023 8:04:18 AM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 4/6/2023 8:04:54 AM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 116
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
        • CreatedByPersonId - 107
        • CreatedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 53
        • IdKey - Y12zMQbzO4
        • Guid - b0e52e79-3744-41b8-ba1a-362a9631a366
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 93
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.Location
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAADWDx!2fM3vw5n4PKCV48IVB4QStf3NiHDj0CtZlcCW...
        • EntityStringValue - 500 N Morton Ave Morton, IL 61550-1527
      • LeaderPersonAlias
        • Name -
        • PersonId - 107
        • AliasedDateTime -
        • LastVisitDateTime -
        • InternalMessage -
        • Person
          • IsSystem -
          • RecordTypeValueId -
          • RecordStatusValueId -
          • RecordStatusLastModifiedDateTime -
          • RecordStatusReasonValueId -
          • ConnectionStatusValueId -
          • ReviewReasonValueId -
          • IsDeceased -
          • TitleValueId -
          • FirstName -
          • NickName -
          • MiddleName -
          • LastName -
          • SuffixValueId -
          • PhotoId -
          • BirthDay -
          • BirthMonth -
          • BirthYear -
          • Age -
          • Gender -
          • MaritalStatusValueId -
          • AnniversaryDate -
          • GraduationYear -
          • GivingId -
          • GivingLeaderId -
          • Email -
          • IsEmailActive -
          • EmailNote -
          • EmailPreference -
          • CommunicationPreference -
          • ReviewReasonNote -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • SystemNote -
          • ViewedCount -
          • TopSignalColor -
          • TopSignalIconCssClass -
          • TopSignalId -
          • AgeClassification -
          • PrimaryFamilyId -
          • PrimaryCampusId -
          • IsLockedAsChild -
          • DeceasedDate -
          • ContributionFinancialAccountId -
          • AccountProtectionProfile -
          • PreferredLanguageValueId -
          • ReminderCount -
          • RaceValueId -
          • EthnicityValueId -
          • BirthDateKey -
          • AgeBracket -
          • Users -
          • PhoneNumbers -
          • Members -
          • Aliases -
          • MaritalStatusValue -
          • ConnectionStatusValue -
          • ReviewReasonValue -
          • RecordStatusValue -
          • RecordStatusReasonValue -
          • RecordTypeValue -
          • SuffixValue -
          • TitleValue -
          • Photo -
          • GivingGroup -
          • PrimaryFamily -
          • PrimaryCampus -
          • PreferredLanguageValue -
          • DaysUntilBirthday -
          • RaceValue -
          • EthnicityValue -
          • GivingGroupId -
          • PrimaryAliasId -
          • FullName -
          • Initials -
          • FullNameFormal -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeek -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeekShort -
          • PhotoUrl -
          • BirthDate -
          • NextBirthDay -
          • DaysToBirthday -
          • AgePrecise -
          • DaysToAnniversary -
          • NextAnniversary -
          • DaysUntilAnniversary -
          • GradeOffset -
          • HasGraduated -
          • GradeFormatted -
          • ImpersonationParameter -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • PrimaryAlias -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.Campus.LeaderPersonAlias.Person | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • AbilityLevel -
            • Allergy -
            • LegalNotes -
            • PreviousChurch -
            • FirstVisit -
            • SecondVisit -
            • SourceofVisit -
            • School -
            • Employer -
            • Position -
            • MembershipDate -
            • Facebook -
            • BackgroundChecked -
            • BackgroundCheckDate -
            • BackgroundCheckResult -
            • BackgroundCheckDocument -
            • core_ConflictThemeWinning -
            • core_EQSelfAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorBelieving -
            • core_MotivatorCaring -
            • core_MotivatorExpressing -
            • core_MotivatorEmpowering -
            • core_MotivatorAdapting -
            • core_MotivatorGathering -
            • core_MotivatorInnovating -
            • core_MotivatorLeading -
            • core_MotivatorLearning -
            • core_MotivatorMaximizing -
            • core_MotivatorOrganizing -
            • core_MotivatorPacing -
            • core_MotivatorPerceiving -
            • core_MotivatorRelating -
            • core_MotivatorServing -
            • core_MotivatorThinking -
            • core_MotivatorTransforming -
            • core_MotivatorUniting -
            • core_MotivatorPersevering -
            • core_MotivatorRisking -
            • core_MotivatorVisioning -
            • core_MotivatorsDirectionalTheme -
            • core_MotivatorEngaging -
            • DoNotSendGivingStatement - No
            • BaptismDate -
            • Twitter -
            • AdaptiveD -
            • core_CurrentlyAnEra -
            • core_GivingEnvelopeNumber -
            • core_ConflictThemeSolving -
            • core_EQSelfRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsIntellectualTheme -
            • Instagram -
            • AdaptiveI -
            • core_EraStartDate -
            • core_ConflictThemeAccommodating -
            • core_EQOthersAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorsPositionalTheme -
            • AdaptiveS -
            • core_EraEndDate -
            • Snapchat -
            • core_ConflictModeWinning -
            • core_EQOthersRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsRelationalTheme -
            • AdaptiveC -
            • core_EraFirstCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeResolving -
            • core_EQProblemSolving -
            • core_MotivatorGrowthPropensity -
            • NaturalD -
            • com.sparkdevnetwork.DLNumber -
            • core_EraLastCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeCompromising -
            • core_EQUnderStress -
            • NaturalI -
            • core_EraLastGave -
            • core_EraFirstGave -
            • core_ConflictModeAvoiding -
            • NaturalS -
            • core_TimesCheckedIn16Wks -
            • core_ConflictModeYielding -
            • NaturalC -
            • core_EraTimesGiven52Wks -
            • LastSaveDate -
            • LastDiscRequestDate -
            • core_EraTimesGiven6Wks -
            • PersonalityType -
            • core_DominantGifts -
            • core_SupportiveGifts -
            • core_OtherGifts -
            • core_SpiritualGiftsLastSaveDate -
            • core_DISCDISCProfile -
            • core_MotivatorsTop5Motivators -
            • PreferredCurrency -
            • PreferredSource -
            • FrequencyLabel -
            • PercentofGiftsScheduled -
            • GiftAmountIQR -
            • GiftAmountMedian -
            • GiftFrequencyDaysMean -
            • GiftFrequencyDaysStandardDeviation -
            • GivingBin -
            • GivingPercentile -
            • NextExpectedGiftDate -
            • LastClassificationRunDateTime -
            • BetterTogetherFirstInteraction -
            • CurrentJourneyGivingStage - Former Giver
            • PreviousJourneyGivingStage - Lapsed Giver
            • JourneyGivingStageChangeDate - 8/20/2024
            • BaptizedUnknownDate -
            • WorkLocation -
            • IsBaptized -
        • Id - 116
        • IdKey - kQGv4W3xXK
        • Guid - 7078db55-3ab1-423c-913e-cc1ddd5b9d96
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 226
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.PersonAlias
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAK7zkdB1rwSfPgUf4A!2ffkupt5ba!2fnYkQ166ub5G...
        • EntityStringValue - Colton Cassady
      • CampusStatusValue
        • IsSystem - True
        • DefinedTypeId - 80
        • Order - 1
        • Value - Open
        • Description -
        • IsActive - True
        • CategoryId -
        • DefinedType
          • IsSystem -
          • FieldTypeId -
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          • HelpText -
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          • EnableSecurityOnValues -
          • CategorizedValuesEnabled -
          • DefinedValues -
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          • FieldType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Category -
        • CreatedDateTime -
        • ModifiedDateTime -
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
        • CreatedByPersonId -
        • CreatedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedByPersonId -
        • ModifiedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 765
        • IdKey - L14v7AAzKn
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        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 31
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.DefinedValue
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAJWdl2dE05kRiaQ6K973brdOjgYiWGDKk6xwwcuvBhk...
        • EntityStringValue - Open
      • CampusTypeValue
        • IsSystem - True
        • DefinedTypeId - 81
        • Order - 1
        • Value - Physical
        • Description -
        • IsActive - True
        • CategoryId -
        • DefinedType
          • IsSystem -
          • FieldTypeId -
          • Order -
          • CategoryId -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • HelpText -
          • IsActive -
          • EnableSecurityOnValues -
          • CategorizedValuesEnabled -
          • DefinedValues -
          • Category -
          • FieldType -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Category -
        • CreatedDateTime -
        • ModifiedDateTime -
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
        • CreatedByPersonId -
        • CreatedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedByPersonId -
        • ModifiedByPersonName -
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 768
        • IdKey - dZKN1dqvGb
        • Guid - 5a61507b-79cb-4da2-af43-6f82260203b3
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 31
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.DefinedValue
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAGoFbss4sax0smSZTZMgSOMXxCq6PCrCr!2flBSxVPj...
        • EntityStringValue - Physical
      • TeamGroup
        • IsSystem - True
        • ParentGroupId -
        • GroupTypeId - 36
        • CampusId -
        • ScheduleId -
        • Name - Morton Office Team
        • Description - Are responsible for leading and administering...
        • IsSecurityRole - False
        • ElevatedSecurityLevel - None
        • IsActive - True
        • Order - 0
        • AllowGuests -
        • IsPublic - True
        • GroupCapacity -
        • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplateId -
        • InactiveDateTime -
        • IsArchived - False
        • ArchivedDateTime -
        • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
        • StatusValueId -
        • SchedulingMustMeetRequirements - False
        • AttendanceRecordRequiredForCheckIn - ScheduleNotRequired
        • ScheduleCancellationPersonAliasId -
        • GroupAdministratorPersonAliasId -
        • InactiveReasonValueId -
        • InactiveReasonNote -
        • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
        • DisableScheduleToolboxAccess - False
        • DisableScheduling - False
        • GroupSalutation -
        • GroupSalutationFull -
        • ConfirmationAdditionalDetails -
        • ReminderSystemCommunicationId -
        • ReminderOffsetDays -
        • ReminderAdditionalDetails -
        • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
        • RSVPReminderSystemCommunication -
        • ParentGroup -
        • GroupType
          • IsSystem -
          • Name -
          • Description -
          • GroupTerm -
          • GroupMemberTerm -
          • DefaultGroupRoleId -
          • AllowMultipleLocations -
          • ShowInGroupList -
          • ShowInNavigation -
          • IconCssClass -
          • TakesAttendance -
          • AttendanceCountsAsWeekendService -
          • SendAttendanceReminder -
          • ShowConnectionStatus -
          • ShowMaritalStatus -
          • AttendanceRule -
          • GroupCapacityRule -
          • AttendancePrintTo -
          • Order -
          • InheritedGroupTypeId -
          • AllowedScheduleTypes -
          • LocationSelectionMode -
          • EnableLocationSchedules -
          • GroupTypePurposeValueId -
          • IgnorePersonInactivated -
          • IsIndexEnabled -
          • GroupsRequireCampus -
          • GroupAttendanceRequiresLocation -
          • GroupAttendanceRequiresSchedule -
          • GroupViewLavaTemplate -
          • AllowSpecificGroupMemberAttributes -
          • EnableSpecificGroupRequirements -
          • AllowGroupSync -
          • AllowSpecificGroupMemberWorkflows -
          • EnableGroupHistory -
          • EnableGroupTag -
          • GroupTypeColor -
          • GroupStatusDefinedTypeId -
          • EnableRSVP -
          • EnableInactiveReason -
          • RequiresInactiveReason -
          • AllowAnyChildGroupType -
          • IsCapacityRequired -
          • ScheduleConfirmationLogic -
          • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • AttendanceReminderSendStartOffsetMinutes -
          • AttendanceReminderFollowupDays -
          • IsSchedulingEnabled -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunicationId -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmailId -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemEmailId -
          • RSVPReminderSystemCommunicationId -
          • RSVPReminderOffsetDays -
          • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowTypeId -
          • ScheduleConfirmationEmailOffsetDays -
          • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays -
          • RequiresReasonIfDeclineSchedule -
          • AdministratorTerm -
          • ShowAdministrator -
          • Groups -
          • Roles -
          • LocationTypes -
          • DefaultGroupRole -
          • GroupTypePurposeValue -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemEmail -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemEmail -
          • ScheduleConfirmationSystemCommunication -
          • ScheduleReminderSystemCommunication -
          • ScheduleCancellationWorkflowType -
          • GroupCount -
          • InheritedGroupType -
          • GroupRequirements -
          • AttendanceReminderSystemCommunication -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • EntityStringValue -
        • Campus -
        • Schedule -
        • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
        • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
        • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
        • Groups {
        • Members {
        • GroupLocations {
        • GroupRequirements {
        • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers {
        • GroupSyncs {
        • Linkages {
        • StatusValue -
        • CreatedDateTime - 4/7/2023 6:48:01 AM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 4/7/2023 6:48:01 AM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 116
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
        • CreatedByPersonId - 107
        • CreatedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 425
        • IdKey - 27WxjmYzL1
        • Guid - dfea558e-fb2e-43b4-a069-f6a2cd1f9b61
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 16
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.Group
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAMGiT1j8S7hcpwo6YB!2bKIgKBw6qeOm0zd7ma35Hls...
        • EntityStringValue - Morton Office Team
      • CampusSchedules {
      • CampusTopics {
      • CreatedDateTime - 4/7/2023 6:48:01 AM
      • ModifiedDateTime - 8/8/2023 10:06:10 AM
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 116
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
      • CreatedByPersonId - 107
      • CreatedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
      • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
      • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 5
      • IdKey - QLVxBJx9Yb
      • Guid - d08ef69f-83fd-4987-95b6-1ff96cbc8923
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 67
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.Campus
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAACF1ldgnbupzJlljRswSdbdN9!2bDJtshIOEg62lrDG...
      • EntityStringValue - Morton Office
    • Schedule
      • iCalendarContent -
      • WeeklyTimeOfDayText - 1:00 PM
      • IsScheduleActive - False
      • IsCheckInActive - False
      • NextStartDateTime -
      • FirstStartDateTime -
      • FirstStartDateTimeThisWeek -
      • StartTimeOfDay - 13:00:00
      • DurationInMinutes - 0
      • FriendlyScheduleText - Saturday at 1:00 PM
      • AbbreviatedName -
      • Name -
      • Description -
      • CheckInStartOffsetMinutes -
      • CheckInEndOffsetMinutes -
      • EffectiveStartDate -
      • EffectiveEndDate -
      • WeeklyDayOfWeek - Saturday
      • WeeklyTimeOfDay - 13:00:00
      • CategoryId -
      • AutoInactivateWhenComplete - False
      • IsActive - True
      • Order - 0
      • IsPublic - True
      • Category -
      • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:07 PM
      • ModifiedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:07 PM
      • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
      • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 10
      • CreatedByPersonId - 1
      • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
      • ModifiedByPersonId - 1
      • ModifiedByPersonName - Admin Admin
      • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
      • Id - 23
      • IdKey - r6OvybNjVP
      • Guid - 2b52122e-5222-4d24-8d5d-3c910b7f4712
      • ForeignId -
      • ForeignGuid -
      • ForeignKey -
      • TypeId - 54
      • TypeName - Rock.Model.Schedule
      • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAEBN2qUjwauMdc1VJCdwR4x1ot3eRgzMS8rMEWSvvdc...
      • EntityStringValue - Saturday at 1:00 PM
    • RequiredSignatureDocumentTemplate -
    • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
    • GroupAdministratorPersonAlias -
    • Groups {
    • Members {
      • [0]
        • IsSystem - False
        • GroupId - 120
        • GroupTypeId - 25
        • PersonId - 25
        • GroupRoleId - 23
        • Note -
        • GroupMemberStatus - Active
        • GuestCount -
        • DateTimeAdded - 11/4/2022 2:12:07 PM
        • IsNotified - False
        • GroupOrder -
        • InactiveDateTime -
        • IsArchived - False
        • ArchivedDateTime -
        • ArchivedByPersonAliasId -
        • ScheduleTemplateId -
        • ScheduleStartDate -
        • ScheduleReminderEmailOffsetDays -
        • CommunicationPreference - RecipientPreference
        • Person
          • IsSystem -
          • RecordTypeValueId -
          • RecordStatusValueId -
          • RecordStatusLastModifiedDateTime -
          • RecordStatusReasonValueId -
          • ConnectionStatusValueId -
          • ReviewReasonValueId -
          • IsDeceased -
          • TitleValueId -
          • FirstName -
          • NickName -
          • MiddleName -
          • LastName -
          • SuffixValueId -
          • PhotoId -
          • BirthDay -
          • BirthMonth -
          • BirthYear -
          • Age -
          • Gender -
          • MaritalStatusValueId -
          • AnniversaryDate -
          • GraduationYear -
          • GivingId -
          • GivingLeaderId -
          • Email -
          • IsEmailActive -
          • EmailNote -
          • EmailPreference -
          • CommunicationPreference -
          • ReviewReasonNote -
          • InactiveReasonNote -
          • SystemNote -
          • ViewedCount -
          • TopSignalColor -
          • TopSignalIconCssClass -
          • TopSignalId -
          • AgeClassification -
          • PrimaryFamilyId -
          • PrimaryCampusId -
          • IsLockedAsChild -
          • DeceasedDate -
          • ContributionFinancialAccountId -
          • AccountProtectionProfile -
          • PreferredLanguageValueId -
          • ReminderCount -
          • RaceValueId -
          • EthnicityValueId -
          • BirthDateKey -
          • AgeBracket -
          • Users -
          • PhoneNumbers -
          • Members -
          • Aliases -
          • MaritalStatusValue -
          • ConnectionStatusValue -
          • ReviewReasonValue -
          • RecordStatusValue -
          • RecordStatusReasonValue -
          • RecordTypeValue -
          • SuffixValue -
          • TitleValue -
          • Photo -
          • GivingGroup -
          • PrimaryFamily -
          • PrimaryCampus -
          • PreferredLanguageValue -
          • DaysUntilBirthday -
          • RaceValue -
          • EthnicityValue -
          • GivingGroupId -
          • PrimaryAliasId -
          • FullName -
          • Initials -
          • FullNameFormal -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeek -
          • BirthdayDayOfWeekShort -
          • PhotoUrl -
          • BirthDate -
          • NextBirthDay -
          • DaysToBirthday -
          • AgePrecise -
          • DaysToAnniversary -
          • NextAnniversary -
          • DaysUntilAnniversary -
          • GradeOffset -
          • HasGraduated -
          • GradeFormatted -
          • ImpersonationParameter -
          • UrlEncodedKey -
          • PrimaryAlias -
          • CreatedDateTime -
          • ModifiedDateTime -
          • CreatedByPersonAliasId -
          • ModifiedByPersonAliasId -
          • CreatedByPersonId -
          • CreatedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedByPersonId -
          • ModifiedByPersonName -
          • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated -
          • Id -
          • IdKey -
          • Guid -
          • ForeignId -
          • ForeignGuid -
          • ForeignKey -
          • TypeId -
          • TypeName -
          • EntityStringValue -
          • Attributes

            Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group.Members.Person | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

            • AbilityLevel -
            • Allergy -
            • LegalNotes -
            • PreviousChurch -
            • FirstVisit -
            • SecondVisit -
            • SourceofVisit -
            • School -
            • Employer - Arizona State University
            • Position - Teacher
            • MembershipDate -
            • Facebook -
            • BackgroundChecked -
            • BackgroundCheckDate -
            • BackgroundCheckResult -
            • BackgroundCheckDocument -
            • core_ConflictThemeWinning -
            • core_EQSelfAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorBelieving -
            • core_MotivatorCaring -
            • core_MotivatorExpressing -
            • core_MotivatorEmpowering -
            • core_MotivatorAdapting -
            • core_MotivatorGathering -
            • core_MotivatorInnovating -
            • core_MotivatorLeading -
            • core_MotivatorLearning -
            • core_MotivatorMaximizing -
            • core_MotivatorOrganizing -
            • core_MotivatorPacing -
            • core_MotivatorPerceiving -
            • core_MotivatorRelating -
            • core_MotivatorServing -
            • core_MotivatorThinking -
            • core_MotivatorTransforming -
            • core_MotivatorUniting -
            • core_MotivatorPersevering -
            • core_MotivatorRisking -
            • core_MotivatorVisioning -
            • core_MotivatorsDirectionalTheme -
            • core_MotivatorEngaging -
            • DoNotSendGivingStatement - No
            • BaptismDate -
            • Twitter -
            • AdaptiveD - 14
            • core_CurrentlyAnEra -
            • core_GivingEnvelopeNumber -
            • core_ConflictThemeSolving -
            • core_EQSelfRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsIntellectualTheme -
            • Instagram -
            • AdaptiveI - 27
            • core_EraStartDate -
            • core_ConflictThemeAccommodating -
            • core_EQOthersAwareness -
            • core_MotivatorsPositionalTheme -
            • AdaptiveS - 69
            • core_EraEndDate -
            • Snapchat -
            • core_ConflictModeWinning -
            • core_EQOthersRegulating -
            • core_MotivatorsRelationalTheme -
            • AdaptiveC - 76
            • core_EraFirstCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeResolving -
            • core_EQProblemSolving -
            • core_MotivatorGrowthPropensity -
            • NaturalD - <span class='label scale-label'...
            • com.sparkdevnetwork.DLNumber -
            • core_EraLastCheckin -
            • core_ConflictModeCompromising -
            • core_EQUnderStress -
            • NaturalI - <span class='label scale-label'...
            • core_EraLastGave -
            • core_EraFirstGave -
            • core_ConflictModeAvoiding -
            • NaturalS - <span class='label scale-label'...
            • core_TimesCheckedIn16Wks -
            • core_ConflictModeYielding -
            • NaturalC - <span class='label scale-label'...
            • core_EraTimesGiven52Wks -
            • LastSaveDate - 12/2/2014
            • LastDiscRequestDate -
            • core_EraTimesGiven6Wks -
            • PersonalityType - SC
            • core_DominantGifts -
            • core_SupportiveGifts -
            • core_OtherGifts -
            • core_SpiritualGiftsLastSaveDate -
            • core_DISCDISCProfile -
            • core_MotivatorsTop5Motivators -
            • PreferredCurrency -
            • PreferredSource -
            • FrequencyLabel -
            • PercentofGiftsScheduled -
            • GiftAmountIQR -
            • GiftAmountMedian -
            • GiftFrequencyDaysMean -
            • GiftFrequencyDaysStandardDeviation -
            • GivingBin -
            • GivingPercentile -
            • NextExpectedGiftDate -
            • LastClassificationRunDateTime -
            • BetterTogetherFirstInteraction -
            • CurrentJourneyGivingStage - Non-Giver
            • PreviousJourneyGivingStage -
            • JourneyGivingStageChangeDate - 2/7/2023
            • BaptizedUnknownDate -
            • WorkLocation -
            • IsBaptized -
        • Group - --See Previous Entry--
        • GroupRole - --See Previous Entry--
        • ArchivedByPersonAlias -
        • GroupMemberRequirements {
        • ScheduleTemplate -
        • GroupMemberAssignments {
        • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:07 PM
        • ModifiedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:07 PM
        • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
        • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 10
        • CreatedByPersonId - 1
        • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
        • ModifiedByPersonId - 1
        • ModifiedByPersonName - Admin Admin
        • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
        • Id - 106
        • IdKey - MWQNKdjz0L
        • Guid - cbfa8561-82df-4c4b-9a63-c74ce99ac7e4
        • ForeignId -
        • ForeignGuid -
        • ForeignKey -
        • TypeId - 90
        • TypeName - Rock.Model.GroupMember
        • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAADLY94szT!2bnWqO4a9!2fB4JH2ztj1gw!2b4JW3uOI...
        • EntityStringValue - Paul Smith
      • [1] - (1 more...)
    • GroupLocations {
    • GroupRequirements {
    • GroupMemberWorkflowTriggers {
    • GroupSyncs {
    • Linkages {
    • StatusValue -
    • CreatedDateTime - 11/4/2022 2:12:07 PM
    • ModifiedDateTime - 7/26/2023 8:20:41 AM
    • CreatedByPersonAliasId - 10
    • ModifiedByPersonAliasId - 116
    • CreatedByPersonId - 1
    • CreatedByPersonName - Admin Admin
    • ModifiedByPersonId - 107
    • ModifiedByPersonName - Colton Cassady
    • ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated - False
    • Id - 120
    • IdKey - LjmxkqPNQl
    • Guid - cd65c668-b324-4f41-bbb7-bec9c62233f1
    • ForeignId -
    • ForeignGuid -
    • ForeignKey -
    • TypeId - 16
    • TypeName - Rock.Model.Group
    • UrlEncodedKey - EAAAAL9h6Tzz2hTF1Ll1pXbVKuGxFxU7K1EVrjXj6jgv0i9...
    • EntityStringValue - ASU Student Group
    • Attributes

      Below is a list of attributes that can be retrieved using {{ group | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}.

      • Topic - Students of the Bible
  • [2] - ...

LinkedPages properties can be accessed by {{ LinkedPages.[PropertyKey] }}.

  • GroupDetailPage
  • RegisterPage - /page/367

CampusContext properties can be accessed by {{ CampusContext.[PropertyKey] }}.

Global attributes should be accessed using {{ 'Global' | Attribute:'[AttributeKey]' }}. Find out more about using Global Attributes in Lava at

  • GlobalAttribute
    • ContentFiletypeBlacklist - ascx, ashx, aspx, ascx.cs, ashx.cs, aspx.cs,...
    • ContentFiletypeWhitelist -
    • ContentImageFiletypeWhitelist - jpg,png,gif,bmp,svg,webp,jpeg
    • core.EnableGivingEnvelopeNumber - No
    • core.GradeLabel - Grade
    • core.LavaSupportLevel - NoLegacy
    • core.PersonPickerFetchCount - 60
    • core.PersonTokenExpireMinutes - 43200
    • core.PersonTokenUsageLimit -
    • core.PersonTokenUseLegacyFallback - Yes
    • core.ValidUsernameCaption - It must only contain letters, numbers, +, -,...
    • core.ValidUsernameRegularExpression - ^[A-Za-z0-9+.@_-]{3,128}$
    • core_ExportAPIsMaxItemsPerPage - 1000
    • core_GoogleReCaptchaSecretKey -
    • core_GoogleReCaptchaSiteKey -
    • core_LavaEngine_LiquidFramework -
    • core_SameSiteCookieSetting - Lax
    • CurrencySymbol - $
    • DefaultEnabledLavaCommands - RockEntity
    • DefaultShortLinkSite - External Website
    • EmailExceptionsFilter - HTTP_USER_AGENT: Googlebot
    • EmailExceptionsList -
    • EmailFooter - ...
    • EmailHeader - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0...
    • EmailHeaderLogo - assets/images/email-header.jpg
    • EnableAuditing - No
    • GoogleAPIKey - AIzaSyCL_tG1cLFJk4YndHo-Uwc7eddt1q-UnCY
    • GradeTransitionDate - 6/1
    • InternalApplicationRoot -
    • JobPulse - 10/18/2023 6:24:30 AM
    • Log404AsException - No
    • MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts - 20
    • OrganizationAbbreviation - StudioC
    • OrganizationAddress - 3120 W Cholla St Phoenix, AZ 85029-4113
    • OrganizationEmail -
    • OrganizationName - StudioC
    • OrganizationPhone - 3092616140
    • OrganizationStandardCurrencyCode - USD
    • OrganizationWebsite -
    • PasswordAttemptWindow - 1
    • PasswordRegexFriendlyDescription - Invalid Password. Password must be at least 6...
    • PasswordRegularExpression - \w{6,255}
    • PreferredEmailLinkType - New Communication
    • PublicApplicationRoot -
    • SupportInternationalAddresses - No
    • UniversalSearchIndexBoost -
    • UpdateServerUrl -
    • VCardFormat - BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:; FN:...